Anchorage Senior Center Trail Connection

  • Sponsor: Anchorage Senior Center & Alaska Trails
  • Award: $6,000


Between July 26 and August 12, 2010, crews from the Youth Employment in Parks program constructed a trail connection between the Anchorage Senior Center and the Chester Creek Greenbelt Trail.  Crews grubbed out the trail route, removed tree roots and stumps and hauled more than 300 tons of gravel to create a disabled-accessible trail connection. Volunteers from the Senior Center and REI worked alongside crews to create this positive recreation opportunity. This project was also awarded funds from a Legislative Grant in the amount of $25,000.

Total funds from other grants: $25,000 ; volunteer labor and in-kind contribution value: $2,679; total match value: $27,679

Total Project Value Including Anchorage Park Foundation Grant: $33,679