As part of our commitment to foster vitality and community engagement in the parks of Anchorage, APF is partnering with a multidisciplinary group of independent artists, designers, and creators that includes groups such as Momentum Dance Collective and The Light Brigade. We ask that you participate along with us in this effort.
The Light Brigade
The Light Brigade is an Anchorage based multidisciplinary consortium of designers, conceptualizers, dancers, visual, media and performance artists whose mission is to inject periodic doses of surprise and wonder into the community’s bloodstream by planning and executing site specific, multi-media art interventions.
We first came together to create the one time only, site specific extravaganza called “Transactions” in the JC Penny’s parking garage as part of IGCA’s project, “The Berth” back in September of 2009.
In 2013, The Light Brigade’s world premiere of their full-length video film, Over Beyond Across Through, took place as a special program of the anchorage international film festival on Saturday, December 14 at Anchorage Community Works. OBAT was presented across the face of the Anchorage Museum on September 21st, 2013. Held outdoors, the site-specific, multi-media art performance included aerialists suspended from the museum’s roof, as well as music, lights and film projections. Watch the trailer.
Help us fulfill our mission by joining The Commission.

Your exclusive Commission membership card, a beautiful hand printed art card by artist Craig Updegrove, will be mailed to you when you join.
The Commission is a 100 seat chamber whose members pool their resources to commission new innovative, site specific, multimedia performance work from The Light Brigade.
Commissioner membership dues ($100.00 per person) will underwrite the creation of a series of time based work by the Light Brigade.
To become a commissioner you can pay your membership dues online through Anchorage Park Foundation’s Paypal site, OR, mail a check (write “Light Brigade” in the memo line),OR, call and pay over the phone via credit card (907) 274-1003, OR, drop by the APF office and pay them in person at: 3201 C Street, Suite 110, Anchorage, 99503.
Your membership dues also support our partner organization The Anchorage Park Foundation.
Behold, your membership donation is tax deductible!
Read more about the Light Brigade here.