Tikishla Park Hockey Rink

  • Sponsor: Airport Heights Community Council
  • Award: $40,000
  • Partner Funders: Scotty Gomez Foundation ($40,000)

With support from a Challenge Grant, the Airport Heights Community Council and the Scotty Gomez Foundation renovated the old hockey rink at Tikishla Park with a new surface, new dasher boards, and efficient lighting for year round enjoyment of this well-loved neighborhood rink located in Tikishla Park. Project partners celebrated completion of the project on June 13th, 2009 in concert with the Airport Heights Community Council annual picnic.

Match: Volunteer hours: 74; skilled volunteer hours: 354; other in-kind contribution value: $169,926 (includes cash raised by Airport Heights Community Council); cash raised: $2,020; total match value: $198,115

Total Project Value including Anchorage Park Foundation Grant: $238,115