May is National Bike Month

Anchorage Park Foundation encourages people throughout the city to get outside 365 days a year. Join us in celebrating National Bike Month, a national effort to encourage more people to ride bikes. Participate by biking as much as you can during the month of May. Biking the Moose Loop is a fun way to get some miles in.

Bike to (Wherever) Work Day
Friday, May 21, 2021
Anchorage Bike to Work or Wherever Day is an all-day event that encourages bike commuting and promotes the health benefits of cycling. Anchorage Park Foundation is hosting a treat station from 11am -1pm and 4pm – 6pm at Campbell Park (2365 E 48th Ave). Come visit us and volunteers from the Campbell Park Community Council and Anchorage Trails. Pick up bike maps, moose loop stickers, and Wild Scoops Ice Cream (11am-1pm). Treat stations will be all over the city making Bike to Wherever Day easy and fun. Find stations on your route using this treat station map

Mountain View Park Cleanup
Volunteers needed Saturday, May 22 10am – 1pm
Join us to beautify multiple parks in Mountain View. We will start at William B. Lyons (335 Price Street) at 10am and spread out to Mt. View Lions Community Park, Ship Creek Trail, and Louie G. Mizelle Park, the site of a new community mural. Event sponsored by Matson in Alaska. Contact Diana to participate.