Anchorage is a Trails Town

250 miles of urban multi-use trails make Anchorage a year-round outdoor recreation community and destination sought out by both residents and travelers for our trails, parks, access to wildlife, and cultural diversity. Anchorage trails showcase our city’s spectacular natural beauty, connect our diverse neighborhoods, encourage healthy lifestyles, and promote economic development.

A large 2023 survey of Anchorage residents shows strong public support for trails!

  • 83% Believe parks and trails contribute to their personal quality of life
  • 92% Used the trail system in the last year

Park & Trail Usage

Respondents use the trails in the following ways:

  • 37.5% Dog Walking
  • 33.1% Walking for fitness
  • 28.5% Biking
  • 22.4% Running
  • 19.4% Skiing
  • 25.4% Other


Survey respondents reported spending more than an hour (68 minutes) using a trail on an average day.



72% of respondents use a park at least once a month



81% of respondents use the trail system with others such as friends or family



Trails most often used by respondents:

  • 36.1% Coastal Trail
  • 22.8% Campbell Creek Trail
  • 12.9% Chester Creek Trail
  • 6.2% Glenn Highway Trail
  • 3.5% Bird to Gird Trail
  • 3.4% Ship Creek Trail
  • 2.0% Fish Creek Trail
  • 13.1% Other



Trails & Businesses


32.8% of respondents use the trail system to get to a business

70.7% of respondents would like to bike to a business if it was easier to securely store their bike while at the business




Trail System Condition


  • 82% of residents want the gaps in the trail system filled
  • 88% think maintaining and resurfacing bad trail segments is a priority






Public Investment in Trails

70% of residents think trails need more public investment



Community Trails Vision

Survey respondents think investing in trails so Anchorage has a comprehensive and well-maintained trail system that connects to all parts of town, is accessible from nearly every neighborhood, has no gaps and allows residents to safely walk or bike anywhere they want to go in the near future, would:

  1. have a net-positive economic impact and make Anchorage a better place to live (71.5%)
  2. increase health and physical fitness of Anchorage residents (81.7%)
  3. more likely to commute on foot or bike (68.9%)
  4. attract more tourists (71.1%)
  5. increase in-migration of full-time new residents (50.5%)
  6. make Anchorage a better place to live (84.6%)




Alaska Survey Research collected data from 1,005 Anchorage residents (adults over 18 years old) in the fall of 2023 . The margin of error is + 3.1% at 95% confidence.