- Sponsor: Bowman Elementary School Teachers
- Award: $27,500
- Challenge: Raise more than $27,500 in cash, labor and in-kind contributions

Bowman Elementary School students and teachers.
Willard L. Bowman Elementary School Teachers constructed a boardwalk in the southeast corner of the 42 acre Tanglewood Park, creating an outdoor classroom in this wetland habitat without disturbing the fragile bog and nesting areas. The group spent grant funds on materials built sections of boardwalk. Project volunteers completed construction work in summer 2010. You can read more about this project at the Tanglewood Park Boardwalk Blog.
Match: Volunteer hours: 282.5; skilled volunteer hours: 136; other in-kind contribution value: $9,491; cash raised: $14,000; total match value: $38,314
Total Project Value including Anchorage Park Foundation Grant: $65,814