
Williwaw Park Playground

Russian Jack Community Council recieved a KaBOOM playground equipment grant for Williwaw Park.

BUILD DAY: June 22, 2006

Williwaw Park was a new neighborhood park to Anchorage, and needed development to serve the 10,000 people that live in the Russian Jack area. Identified needs were: playground equipment, a trail connecting the ball field to the playground, irrigation, seeding, and safety measures such as lighting and brushing the dense woods near the proposed playground. The community secured funding from a variety of sources and moved forward.

  • KaBOOM
    KaBOOM is a national nonprofit organization with a vision of providing great places to play within walking distance of every child in America. They create great playspaces through the participation and leadership of communities.
  • Anchorage Park Foundation 
    RJCC received $30,000 from the Anchorage Park Foundation Challenge Grant. Volunteer hours and parental involvement played a key role in their application.
  • Community Fundraising 
    This community council appealed to businesses for contributions for upgrades to Williwaw Park. Contributions can be made to the “Williwaw Park” fund of the Anchorage Park Foundation.
  • State Legislative Funding 
    RJCC received funding from the state legislature for improvements to this park for irrigation, lighting, and to increase its community appeal as a safe place to play.

Partners included:

  • Home Depot, local funding & volunteer partner
  • Weed & Seed
  • Malaspina Glacier Investment Properties
  • Anchorage Parks & Recreation
  • The Boutet Company
  • Cable Tech