- Sponsor: the Alaska Design Forum
- Award: $15,000
- Challenge: to raise $350,000 in cash, labor and in-kind contributions

A participant of Art in the Parks.
Using funds from a Challenge Grant, the Alaska Design Forum purchased event lighting for the FREEZE exhibit, which took place in January 2009 in Delaney Park, Frontierland Park, Elderberry Park, and outside the Anchorage Museum. FREEZE included interactive art installations using snow, ice, and light. Concurrently, a northern FREEZE conference took place in Anchorage, with lectures, films, workshops, activities for families, exhibitions, school district tours, poetry readings and more. The Anchorage Parks & Recreation Department will use the lighting from the installations for future Art-in-the-Parks events.
Volunteer hours: 2,600; skilled volunteer hours: 2,000; other in-kind contribution value: $65,000; cash raised: $190,000; total match value: $443,802
Total Project Value including Anchorage Park Foundation Grant: $458,802