- SPONSOR: Iden-Selkregg family and East Anchorage Community Volunteers
- AWARD: $40,000
- CHALLENGE: Community raised more than $51,000 in cash, labor and in-kind contributions

A newspaper article highlighting the namesake of the park’s nature trail.
The Iden-Selkregg family and East Anchorage community members raised funds to develop the Alicia Iden Nature Trail in the Baxter Bog Park. The East Anchorage trail honors Alicia Iden who died after battling cancer in 2005. At the ribbon-cutting ceremony, her daughter Tanya shared that the trail is a reflection of her mom’s spirit. “She worked hard with her neighbors for many years to preserve Baxter Bog. I’m proud to continue her hard work,” she said. Treeline Construction donated sustainable materials and built a scenic overlook and now, the Iden-Selkregg family is partnering with the neighboring Aurora Waldorf School to create interpretive signs to teach students about the bog’s ecosystem and to be used as an outdoor classroom in partnership with three area schools.
- Volunteer hours: 200; other in-kind contribution value: $4,000; cash raised: $22,680; total match value: $30,434
Total Project Value including Anchorage Park Foundation Grant: $70,434