
Take Lake Park Trail Maintenance and Bank Restoration- YEP 2016

MOA funds: $32,000
Alaska State Legislative Grant: $33,000


Taku Lake offers area residents lake access for fishing and paddling as well as trails for hiking, running, biking, and wildlife viewing. It is located in the Campbell Creek corridor which supports anadromous fish populations and provides nesting grounds for migratory waterfowl. The high volume of pedestrian traffic at this park has led to bank erosion and caused a section of the paved trail to denude into the lake. YEP participated in a two day streambank and habitat restoration class with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game which included a hands on restoration project. Teens helped increase fish habitat while restoring eroding banks, pulled invasive plants, weeded the raingarden, picked up trash around the park, planted native plants around the restoration sites, and graveled 1200 feet of trail.

The project consisted of:
• Restoring 3 eroding sections of the Lake bank
• Hauling 150 tons of gravel
• Removing over 1,000 invasive European Bird Cherry saplings
• Planting 70 rose bushes, 22 highbush cranberry bushes, 60 birch trees, 15 white spruce trees
• Raingarden Maintenance
• Litter pick up

Project Dates:
July 11-22