Far North Bicentennial Park Bridge Repair

  • Sponsor: Alaskan Sled Dog and Racing Association
  • Award: $3,000
  • Challenge: Raise cash, labor and in-kind contributions


A “before” picture illustrating the state of disrepair of one of the bridges in the park.

The Alaskan Sled Dog & Racing Association worked to replace aged wood on five bridges, and add side rails to two bridges in Far North Bicentennial Park. The group worked to
remove and repair the bridge and railing over the Dowling Tributary; repair a partially burned bridge over the North Fork of Campbell Creek on the Homecoming trail; replace boards on the bridge behind the Albrecht Baseball Fields; remove fallen hazard trees from trails; replace wood on the Shields Trail Bridge; replace a broken beam on the Middle Fork of Campbell Creek; remove and replace the Beaver Dam Trail Bridge; and redeck the 70-foot bridge over the South Fork of Campbell Creek.

Volunteer hours: 143.5 ; other in-kind contribution value: $2,000; total match value: $4,693
Total Project Value including Rasmuson Foundation Grant: $7,693

In 2015, the Alaskan Sled Dog & Racing Association (ASDRA) was awarded $4,150 in matching funds by APF to perform maintenance on bridges along trails in Far North Bicentennial Park. The bridges are in various states of disrepair, and one bridge–the crossing of the South Fork of Campbell Creek on the Rondy/4 mile trail–has failed completely. ASDRA raised their match through a combination of in-kind donations and volunteer labor.