Refuge Access at Jodhpur- YEP 2017


MOA Funds: $24,200
State of Alaska Grant: $35,000

In 2016, a beached whale in the Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge brought thousands of foot traffic down the steep Kincaid bluffs and numerous social trails developed. YEP teens worked on redirecting and stabilizing the steep social trails to address stability and erosion issue along the bluff. They constructed a new sustainable trail with a more gradual slope, blocked off deeply rutted social trails by setting posts connected with rope, revegetated, fenced and posted signs. They also installed informative signage along the new trail.

The project consisted of:

  • Grubbing 1,500 feet of trail
  • Installing 60 4×4 posts with 700 feet of rope, 100 ft of orange safety fence, and trail closure/directional signs
  • Hauling, planting, and watering Aspen saplings, Silverberry, Buffaloberry, and Prickly Rose bushes.

Project Dates: June 12 – 15

Click here to see more pictures in the Facebook album!