Kincaid Beach Trail – YEP 2015

YEP workers with rakesKincaid Beach is a well visited area of Kincaid Park, yet it is not accessible by a defined trail. The small social path that juts off of the Coastal Trail is overgrown, and eroding down the short bluff. With some planning and trail work, APF rebuilt the path to be more sustainable, allowing easier access to the beach, while at the same time protecting the natural environment from unnecessary wear and tear by undirected visitors.  APF also added some interpretive panels (signs) to the trail area.

Between July 20 through July 31, 2015, crews from the Youth Employment in Parks program built a 250 ft beach access trail with 8 cribbing steps, an 8 foot wide corridor. The teens also installed erosion control devices and seeded existing fall line trails as well as posts and ropes to minimize damage to dunes. Total funding for the project came from an Anchorage Park Foundation State Legislative Grant for $45,000 and Municipality of Anchorage funds for $32,000.

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