Volunteers Take First Steps to Build Park Identity

May 19, 2017, Anchorage, AK – Fairview Park is soon to be well known. A neighborhood secret, often mistaken for Fairview Lions Park or Fairbanks Park, Fairview Park can expect major improvements over the next few years as outlined in its recently created master plan. Currently the park has no identifying features and few know its true name.

On Saturday, May 20 from 9am-12pm volunteers will gather for a Neighborhood Park Fix-It at Fairview Park with the Anchorage Park Foundation, Anchorage Community Land Trust, Fairview Community Council, and Mayor’s AmeriCorps Resiliency Coalition, as well as Mayor Berkowitz. Volunteers will plant apple trees, sand and paint benches, spread woodchips in the play area, and install temporary art on the fence. Everyone is asked to come dressed in comfortable clothes that can get dirty.

The Fix-It is the first step in a plan for major improvements to Fairview Park. Anchorage Parks and Recreation Planner, Taylor Keegan has been working with community advisory groups and the Fairview Community Council to develop a master plan for the park, which includes replacing the tennis courts with a multi-use volleyball/basketball court, an inclusive playground, edible landscaping, and artistic placemaking to improve the park’s identity.

Earlier this month, the Anchorage Community Land Trust and Fairview Community Council were awarded a $20,000 Anchorage Park Foundation Challenge Grant, which will help fund elements of the master plan including a new barbecue, edible landscaping, and placemaking to create a new visual identity for the park. Challenge Grants encourage community stewardship and partnership to make positive changes in Anchorage’s parks and trails. Recipients of the grant must match the funds with private donations, in-kind services, or volunteer hours.

“There is a longstanding community-identified need to create more ways of telling the story of Fairview’s history,” says Harry Need, Fairview Community Council President. “Fairview deserves a feature that the community can rally around.”

Fairview Park Fix-It
Saturday May 20th, 9am-12pm
Fairview Park
1217 Latouche St. (12th Ave and Latouche)

Facebook event: www.facebook.com/events/451751871836047

This Park Fix-It is the first of four Fix-Its in the Anchorage Park Foundation’s 2017. For twelve years, the Anchorage Park Foundation has worked alongside Anchorage Parks and Recreation and community groups to perform necessary improvements to Anchorage parks and trails. For more information or to RSVP for this event, contact the Anchorage Parks and Recreation Volunteer Coordinator, Michelle Fehribach at FehribachMR@muni.org or 343-4587