2023 Ballot Measures for Parks & Trails

Vote by Mail Begins: March 14, 2023

Last Day to Vote: Tuesday, April 4, 2023, 7am-8pm


YES on PROP A – Anchorage Parks and Recreation Bond

Investing in parks and trails will put Anchorage on the map with the great outdoor cities of the world. For 11 years in a row, voters have said YES to Anchorage park and recreation bonds, choosing to tax ourselves a small amount, sharing in the cost of these public assets.

We hope you will vote YES again – on PROP A. Voter approval of this bond proposition authorizes for each $100,000 assessed taxable property value an annual increase in taxes of approximately $0.96 to retire the proposed bonds, and approximately $0.62 to pay for operation and maintenance of these proposed capital improvements. For $1.58 per $100,000 assessed we can have trails, athletic fields, bridges, rec centers, inclusive playgrounds and more. Find the complete list below.

PROP A Parks and Recreation Bond Projects:

  • Campbell Creek Trail Rehabilitation and Way Finding, $300k
  • Peratrovich Park Upgrades, $700k
  • Ship Creek Trail, $250k
  • Athletic Field Safety Improvements, $200k
  • Chester Creek Complex Safety, Security and ADA Upgrades, $100k
  • Playground Development, All Inclusive (Play), $300k, Inclusive Play
  • Far North Bicentennial Park Bridge Replacement, $150k
  • Russian Jack Springs Park Safety and ADA Improvements, $300k
  • Fairview Recreation Center Improvements, $500k
  • Spenard Recreation Center Improvements, $200k
  • Tony Knowles Coastal Trail to Ship Creek Trail Connection, $150k (match to $9.5 million federal), project website
  • Midtown Park Family Chalet, $300k
  • Mulcahy Stadium Improvements, $350k
  • Fish Creek Trail Connection to Tony Knowles Coastal Trail, $150K, project website

Total $3,950,000 million

YES on PROP 6 – Chugach State Park Access Service Area for the Anchorage Bowl

Chugach State Park Superintendent Ben Corwin and Diana Rhoades

This year park lovers have an additional opportunity to support the places we love. A YES vote on PROP 6 will create the Chugach State Park Access Service Area for the Anchorage Bowl. Eagle River-Chugiak, Girdwood and Turnagain Arm are not part of the proposed Service Area. If approved, PROP 6 would give us the opportunity in the future to vote for bonds for road improvements to the park, like our annual park and recreation bond. PROP 6 creates the Service Area only – no taxes or projects.

It’s no surprise that visits to our beloved Chugach State Park have increased 50% between 2019 and 2022. Anchorage residents love to hike, bike and ski! State Park data reveal that 71% are Anchorage residents. Anchorage’s 500,000-acre backyard wilderness is the 3rd largest state park in the country and provides 90% of our drinking water (Eklutna lake and aquifers).

What may be a surprise is that for too long, neighborhoods adjacent to Chugach State Park have been footing the bill for snow clearing and summer maintenance on the roads leading up to the Park. These neighborhoods are part of Road Service Areas (RSAs), funded through property taxes from residents who live within them and receive no funding from the Municipality of Anchorage. There is currently no public funding mechanism for roads or parks and recreation in neighborhoods adjacent to Chugach State Park.

PROP 6 implements one of the policies adopted in the 2010 Anchorage Hillside District Plan. As outlined in the Plan, Chugach State Park Access calls for the “creation of a new funding and management program targeted at improved Chugach State Park access with trailhead and parking facilities.” Given that solutions to access issues will require a combination of municipal and state action to benefit Anchorage residents, we hope you will vote YES on PROP 6. Read an Op Ed by Pat Pourchot on what PROP 6 means for Anchorage.

This communication paid for by Anchorage Park Foundation/3201 C Street Suite 111 Anchorage, AK 99503/Beth Nordlund, Executive Director/I Beth Nordlund/approved this message