- Sponsor: Airport Heights Community Council
- Award: $14,685
- Challenge: Raise $14,685 in cash, labor and in-kind contributions

The sign at the entrance to Nichols Park.
Airport Heights Community Council members worked to reclaim an unused little league park for close-to-home neighborhood recreation. Volunteers installed 88 bollards and 28 boulders to define and protect Nichols Park from unauthorized vehicle entrance. Topsoil and grass seed were added to cover the newly defined area which was formerly hard packed dirt. The group watered the area until the grass took hold and began to cover the newly planted area. The baseball backstop was removed to deter children from using it as a dangerous climbing structure but the baseball fence was left in place, consistent with an Airport Heights Community Council resolution. The Nichols Park committee also planted a variety of indigenous, beautiful trees. The group wishes to use remaining funds to repair the baseball fence, install or replace walk-through gates and improve the appearance of the fencing. The final action was to install gates for the north alleyway.
Volunteer hours: 586; skilled volunteer hours: 67; other in-kind contribution value: $2,769; cash raised: $960; total match value: $19,418
Total Project Value including Rasmuson Foundation Grant: $34,103