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Group Ride on Downtown Protected Bike Lane

elderberry park 1297 W 5th Ave, Anchorage, AK

Join us to test the new Protected Bike Lane in a group bike ride from Elderberry Park to Town Square Park.

Fridays on 4th this Summer

Peratrovich Park 500 W 4th Ave, Anchorage, Alaska

Fridays, May 31, - Aug 2 from Noon - 1pm at Peratrovich Park. This laidback, family-friendly concert series is the reason to take your lunch break outside in a local park on Fridays over the summer.

Jazz in the Park

Peratrovich Park 500 W 4th Ave, Anchorage, Alaska

Saturdays, June 1, - Aug 17 from 4 - 6pm at Peratrovich Park. Enjoy a slower-paced Saturday afternoon, complete with some of Alaska’s top-notch jazz talent.

Anchorage FitLot

Taku Park 8210 Stormy Place, Anchorage, AK, United States

One-hour FitLot circuit classes provide a full-body workout suitable for adults of all ages and fitness levels! Tuesdays and Thursdays, Noon - 1 pm June 4 - August 29

Stand-Up Paddleboard Demo Days

FREE Stand-Up Paddleboard Demo Days Wednesdays, 5 - 7 p.m. @​​Little Campbell Lake: June 5, 12, and 26 @Jewel Lake: July 17, 24, and 31

Hike and Write in Kincaid

Kincaid Park 9401 Raspberry Road, Anchorage, Alaska

Alaska Writers Guild hosts this Write and Hike, which features a short hike followed by writing time. Bring your favorite writing materials and be prepared for a little sand. Meet at Kincaid Chalet, Friday, June 28 at 6pm

Anchorage Memorial Park Cemetery Tour June

Anchorage Memorial Park Cemetery 535 E 9th Ave, Anchorage, Alaska

Announcing the 2024 Anchorage Cemetery Tours   Friday June 21 2024 at 6:00 pm Bruce and Audrey Kelly will once again lead the John Bagoy 28th Annual Summer Solstice tour.  This tour will be presented in a biography style at each of the

Anchorage Memorial Park Cemetery Tour July

Anchorage Memorial Park Cemetery 535 E 9th Ave, Anchorage, Alaska

Announcing the 2024 Anchorage Cemetery Tours     Sunday July 14 2024 at 6:00 pm Stories at the Cemetery presented at 10 pre-selected gravesites by the costumed Cemetery Players acting troupe.  This is a self-guided tour with different biographies than the June tour..   Sunday August 11

Annual Picnic in the Park – FCC

valley of the moon park 610 W 17th Ave, Anchorage, AK, United States

July 16 @ 5pm All are invited to the Federation of Community Councils Annual Picnic to share ideas about how to improve our neighborhoods. Stop by Valley of the Moon Park for free food and drinks and conversation.