Barbara Street Park Revitalization

Barbara Street Park "Neighbor Power!" sign
Eagle Scout candidate James Allen and neighbor Schawna Thoma were awarded $15,500 in Challenge Grant matching funds from APF to revitalize Barbara Street Park. In the summer 2015 they cleaned up the park at a Neighborhood Park Fix-It volunteer event. In 2016, they replaced the toddler play equipment with new inclusive, tiny houses. Their match consisted of cash donations and volunteer time.

The long-term improvement plan for the Fish Creek Greenbelt:

Fish Creek Greenbelt Improvements map, brought to you by the Municipality of Anchorage. Turnagain Street upgrade: This project will evaluate alternatives to upgrade Turnagain St and Turnagain Blvd to current MOA standards to improve both pedestrian and river safety. Funding for construction is currently being established. Visit for more information. Barbara Street: Playground improvements following a 2015 Challenge Grant for the park which included an Eagle Scout Project and vegetation cleaning. Contact Park Planner Taylor Keegan for more information at 907-343-4355. Trail rehabilitation: Trail resurfacing and lighting improvements along the Fish Creek Trail. Construction projected to start in 2017. Contact Robin Riech at 907-929-5960 for comments or questions or visit Kiwanis Fish Creek: Recent upgrades include a new tennis court- playground equipment last updated in 1998. Current stakeholders include the Girl Scouts of Alaska, the Kiwanis Club, and the Spenard and Turnagain neighbors. Contact Park Planner, Taylor Keegan for more information 907-343-4355.