Bear Valley Neighborhood Park

  • Sponsor:  Bear Valley Community Council
  • Award: $14,275
  • Challenge: Will community raise $17,275 in cash, labor and in-kind contributions


Members of the Bear Valley Community Council.

The Bear Valley Community Council used Challenge Grant funds to establish the area’s first neighborhood park on an undeveloped 1 acre parcel of land at the corner of Nickleen Street and Francesca Drive. Community Council volunteers installed a bench, a kiosk frame and two-vehicle parking. They worked with Land Design North and the Anchorage Fire Department to complete the informational kiosk panels. They also completed a walking path, leaving the area vegetation in a natural condition. The group continues to fundraise.

Volunteer hours: 32.5; skilled volunteer hours: 234; other inkind contribution value: $2,860; cash raised: $80; total match value: $19,930

Total Project Value including Rasmuson Foundation Grant: $34,205