Campbell Creek Bank Restoration- YEP 2017

Youth Employment in Parks worked at 3 different sites along the Campbell Creek helping to stabilize and restore the streambank while enhancing fish rearing habitat. These areas have been degraded over time from overuse and erosion. Campbell Creek is an anadromous stream and this project was necessary to restore the banks and vegetation that provide fish habitat. An objective of this project was to repair the streambank while still allowing for public access and recreation. This project is part of a three year grant. See what YEP did in 2016 at Taku Lake Park. 

The project consisted of:
• Emerald Hills site: The YEP crew installed 120 feet of coir log, Feltleaf Willow brush layers, 120’ X 10’ of
vegetated mat, a 100’X 6’ of Elevated Light Penetrating (ELP) walkway for fishing access, and pulled
invasie weeds.
• Arctic Blvd site: The Yep crew installed 100 feet of coir log, brush layers, and vegetated mat, 60 feet of
cabled spruce, and 50 feet of Elevated Light Penetrating (ELP) walkway for fishing access.
• Lynnwood Park: The YEP crew restored 1,200 feet of the east bank of Campbell Creek with a combination
of 40 feet of coir logs, brush layering, vegetative mat, live staking, tree planting and re-vegetating
the banks with 28 red elder, 30 rusty menziesia, 80 devils club, 50 rose, 20 raspberry, 25 silverberry, 25
birch, and Spruce saplings, along with protective fencing. YEP also pulled invasive weeds at this site.

Project Dates:
June 19 – 29

MOA Funds: $68,300
US Forest Service Grant: $ 52,000
Private Funding: $13,500