Campbell Creek Trail Improvements

  • Sponsor: Firefighters’ Union Local 1264 and the Municipality of Anchorage’s Animal Care Shelter
  • Status: Complete
  • Award: $1,200
  • Challenge: Total cash raised: $1,200; total volunteers: 4; volunteer hours 14; skilled volunteer hours: 25; total match value: $2,945. Total Project Value including Rasmuson Foundation Grant: $4,145


Couple standing next to Mutt Mitt post

Firefighters’ Union Local 1264 and MOA’s Animal Care Shelter combined to donate $1,200 between them. Four Dog Stations were installed along the 2.5 mile Campbell Creek Trail corridor. This has profoundly improved trail cleanliness and contributed to user-friendliness on this high use trail.

Additionally, $1,500 was spent on wildflower seeds that were distributed along this trail corridor. While some of the wildflowers made their first appearances this season, the full beauty of this seed dispersal effort should be realized in the 2009 and 2010 summer seasons. Verna Pratt, the Alaskan author of many books on wildflowers, was the expert consultant on this project.