Didlika Park

2006 Challenge Grant

  • Award: $20,000
  • Challenge: Total cash raised: $2,520; total volunteers 10; volunteer hours: 600; skilled volunteer hours: 4; other in-kind contribution value: $35; total match value: $13,295
    Total Project Value including Rasmuson Foundation Grant: $33,295

Didlika Park SignTurnagain neighbors, community council volunteers, and an Eagle Scout worked together to improve this pocket park by reestablishing grass and foliage, and adding a historical sign and art element. Visible improvements to date feature a new fence that dramatically enhances the aesthetics of the park. This project experienced a delay due to a change in neighborhood leadership and a vetoed capital budget item.


2013 Challenge Grant

  • Sponsors: Polynesian Association of Alaska
  • Award: $4,050
  • Challenge: Total volunteer hours: 122; other in-kind contribution value: $1,450; total match value: $4,734; Total Project Value including Rasmuson Foundation Grant: $8,760

Didlike Park sign

The Polynesian Association of Alaska (PAOA) adopted Didlika Park in 2011 and participated in a park clean-up event with Parks and Recreation in 2012. PAOA received a Challenge Grant in 2013 to improve Didlika Park by planting trees, landscaping, trimming dead branches and pulling weeds. These improvements enhanced both the beauty and safety of this quiet pocket park in the Turnagain neighborhood.


Mulch at Didlika ParkVolunteers shoveling at Didlika Park