Duldida Park Inclusive Playground

Visit Duldida Park and you’ll find a colorful inclusive playground with unique swings, slides, and spinners that will make you want to, well, PLAY! This Mountain View neighborhood greenspace, received its share of love and attention in Summer 2016.

A Neighborhood Park Fix-It during Anchorage’s Welcoming Week brought volunteers and neighbors to the park on September 17, 2016. Together they painted mini-murals on bollards with the help of local artist, Tasha Webster, of i’klektik Life, as well as planted flower bulbs and laid sod.  Volunteer sandblasters printed the cement plaza with the word “play” translated into the different languages spoken in the surrounding neighborhood to highlight Mountain View’s diversity of family backgrounds.

The focal point of the park is the inclusive playground with features that encourage collaborative play like a large platform spinner, saucer swings, and net climber.

You can find Duldida Park at 417 N. Hoyt St.
