Meadow Park Connector Trail- YEP 2016

MOA funds: $16,000
State RTP Grant: $ 34,000
Private Funding: $4,000


The German school, Rilke Schule, raised funds for a new trail to be constructed through the wetlands connecting the school to Meadow Street Park. The loop trail will provide the school with access to experiential learning along with physical education opportunities including Nordic skiing, running, walking, and after-school programs. YEP crews grubbed and improved the trail corridor using hand tools to remove vegetation, roots, and stumps. They graveled a 5’ wide, 1,190 foot trail and constructed three small footbridges over anadromous fish streams.

The project consisted of:
• Hauling 170 tons of gravel
• Building 1,190 feet of gravel trail
• Building three 12 foot timber framed footbridges

Project Dates:
June 27- July 1

YEP workers with wooden beams