South Anchorage Sports Park Trail Maintenance- YEP 2016

MOA funds: $32,000
Alaska State Legislative Grant: $38,000

South Anchorage Sports Park is a 65 acre, underutilized green space in South Anchorage. The Parks and Recreation Department put together a master plan, and employed YEP to help out with Phase 1 of the project. The crew worked on a new 2,000 foot gravel trail for the future dog park. They grubbed existing vegetation and smoothed out the tread, laid down geotextile fabric, wheelbarrowed D1 aggregate, and compacted the trail to create a 5’ wide loop trail. YEP also worked on salvaging existing PVC piping from the old remote control (RC) track and formed a 7,500 square foot pad for the user group to shape the future RC track on.

The project consisted of:
• Hauling 275 tons of Gravel
• Compacting 2,000 LF of Gravel Trail
• Forming a 7,500 sq ft pad for new RC track
• Waste pick up

Project Dates:
July 25-August 5
