Teachers and Students Complete New Outdoor Learning Lab at Wolverine Park

This May, Campbell STEM Elementary finished an Outdoor Learning Lab at Wolverine Park. With the support of an Anchorage Park Foundation Community Challenge Grant, students and teachers worked with local landscape architects Elise Huggins and Bri Kiefer to create a space dedicated to learning at a park near the school and then volunteered their own sweat equity to make their new classroom a reality.

The outdoor learning lab provides opportunities for teachers like Dawn Wilcox and Ginny Gates to create hands-on learning experiences that better connect children with local natural environments. It’s being used for activities like recording seasonal changes, wildlife observations and mapping the park’s geography. Beyond science lessons, the space allows for other STEM teachers to take lessons like reading and math outside too. Learn more about Anchorage Park Foundation’s efforts to get kids learning outside through the Schools on Trails program.