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Pick.Click.Give. Today

Donate a portion or all of your PFD to the Anchorage Park Foundation through Pick.Click.Give.

Park Bonds Volunteer Phone Bank

3400 Spenard Road 3400 Spenard Road Suite 200, Anchorage, AK, United States

Help us get out the vote for the Anchorage municipal elections.

Election Day

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024 is the last day to turn in your Anchorage Municipal Election Ballot. Learn more about what's on the ballot and more.

Anchorage Parks+Trails Film Festival

Beartooth Theatrepub & Grill 1230 W 27th Ave, Anchorage, AK, United States

Discover Your Next Anchorage Adventure: May 22 at Beartooth


Anchorage Mayor’s Marathon & More

MAYOR'S MARATHON & MORE Each Summer Solstice the Anchorage Mayor's Marathon, Half Marathon, 5 Miler, Kid's Mile, and Relays bring thousands of people together from nearly every state in the union, countries around the globe, and from our very own

Moose Loop Trail Challenge

Save the Date! Start training now for the Moose Loop Trail Challenge, a family-friendly way to stay active outdoors all summer by running, walking, or biking Anchorage trails to prepare for the challenge. Challenge yourself to a 5K, 10K, Mini
