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Flight of the Raven

…a 2 inch highly polished quartz with thin gold seams. Raven faces the rising sun. About Roy and Elizabeth Peratrovich: In Alaska Native legend, Raven brought light to the world

Parks+Trails Recreation Fair

share the trails around Anchorage.   Community Theatre presented by Midnight Sun Theatre 11a Meet in the WEST Chalet Room and 11:30a Meet in the EAST Chalet Room Take to…

Anchorage Veteran’s Memorial Renovation

…Municipality of Anchorage, State of Alaska, Rasmuson Foundation, Alaska USA FCU, the late Ms. Mary Louise Rasmuson, and the Atwood Foundation all provided significant funding. Veterans’ groups, business and industry,…

Make Parks & Trails Accessible to Everyone

By Kristie Lent, Ms. Wheelchair Alaska USA Anchorage’s first indoor inclusive playground opened in early March 2022 to a crowd of eager children. Ready to play, you can see the…

Fairview Day of Caring

…Service Alaska Youth & Family Network Anchorage Daily News Anchorage Neighborhood Housing Anchorage Stake Youth, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Campfire USA Central Lutheran Church Doyon Day of…

Walking Routes

…opportunity to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life and reconnect with your neighborhood and the natural world. It’s a great way to destress, clear one’s mind, and…

Map Your Anchorage

…public showings is May 25)   Step 1. Map Your Anchorage Download a blank map then mark your map. Step 2. Submit and Share Your Map Email to: MapYourAnchorage@gmail.com Drop…

Teacher Resources for Outdoor Learning

…outdoor learning and environmental education, and improve student health. Please share them! If you would like a map connecting your school to its trail, please contact Meredith Gutierrez. Find your…

Anchorage Parks and Trails Attract and Retain a Quality Workforce

By Natasha Von Imhof When my kids were young, we spent a lot of time walking the trails at Ruth Arcand Park. We were in the throes of the “Dogs…

Inclusive Playground Map

…Park Duldida Park Kincaid Park Kiwanis Fish Creek Park South Anchorage Sports Park Suzan Nightingale McKay Park Folker Park Stay tuned for news on more Inclusive Playgrounds coming soon! Fairview…

Making Anchorage a Better Place
to Live, Work & Play

The Anchorage Park Foundation facilitates park improvement projects that are driven by neighborhood initiative.

We’re a non-profit, operating outside of the Municipality of Anchorage, and are responsible & accountable to our donors' intent.