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The Moose Loop Trails

…other to form a 32-mile bike loop, an almost-complete urban greenway that is, when viewed on a map, in the shape of a moose! Run, bike, or walk the trails…

New Pacific Northern Academy Trail Opens in Ruth Arcand Park

This September, teachers, and staff with Pacific Northern Academy joined Anchorage Park Foundation to celebrate the completion of a new nature trail through Ruth Arcand Park. The trail is a…

Pacific Northern Academy Northwest Corner of Ruth Arcand Park Trail

This September, teachers, and staff with Pacific Northern Academy joined Anchorage Park Foundation to celebrate the completion of a new nature trail through Ruth Arcand Park. The trail is a…

Campbell Elementary School’s Wolverine Park Learning Labs

…students in the classroom and the park, teaching them about the design process and helping them share their vision with their local community council and the rest of the school….

Watershed Maps

…understand how to protect and care for these streams that salmon depend on for their life cycle. Is your neighborhood stream healthy enough for salmon? Please share and use the…

Duldida Park Inclusive Playground

…its share of love and attention in Summer 2016. A Neighborhood Park Fix-It during Anchorage’s Welcoming Week brought volunteers and neighbors to the park on September 17, 2016. Together they…

Schools on Trails Maps

…the city, to promote increased access to trails and parks, encourage outdoor learning and environmental education, and improve student health. Please share them! If you would like a map connecting…

Other Youth Conservation Opportunities

…pristine environment and diverse cultures of Alaska. Alaska Geographic Early experiences with the wonder and intricacy of the natural world lead to a lifelong relationship with our wildest places. Alaska…

Kincaid is Park of the Year 2024

…plywood. Get a free sticker of this custom Kincaid artwork as part of participating in the 2024 Moose Loop Trail Challenge, a popular community event that celebrates the world-class urban…

2023 Ballot Measures for Parks & Trails

…and trails will put Anchorage on the map with the great outdoor cities of the world. For 11 years in a row, voters have said YES to Anchorage park and…

Making Anchorage a Better Place
to Live, Work & Play

The Anchorage Park Foundation facilitates park improvement projects that are driven by neighborhood initiative.

We’re a non-profit, operating outside of the Municipality of Anchorage, and are responsible & accountable to our donors' intent.