
Search Results for: Номер№1 Консультант Виктория Джем по Дизайн Человека Human Design Расчет на metahd.ru

William B Lyons Renovation

…of Landscape Architects worked with students at Clark Middle School to design new elements for the park (read this great article from the ADN!) APF and APRD began implementing this…

Girdwood Skate Park

…existing skate park equipment with new obstacles designed to withstand the rainforest environment and provide a safe riding surface for skate boarders and BMX bikers. The group selected a design

Indigenous Place Making Movement Opening Ceremony

…Alaska Native Tribal Health ConsortiumFinancial support was provided by Alaska Native Heritage Center, Alaska Humanities Forum, Anchorage Park Foundation, Rasmuson Foundation, National Recreation and Parks Association and federal CARES Act….

Portugal. The Man and Tony Hawk Invest in Anchorage

The Anchorage Park Foundation is thrilled to announce a grant from the Tony Hawk Foundation for the redesign of Anchorage’s Taku Skatepark. Portugal. The Man is a big supporter of…

Indigenous Place Names Project

…of Eklutna. The Dena’ina fire bag was selected as the project’s symbol. Athabascan & Paiute artist Melissa Shaginoff designed the metal sculpture of a fire bag encircling the post. It…

Whisper Faith Kovach Park

…They canvassed to help pass the 2017 municipal bond to fund the park improvements. They applied for and secured an Anchorage Park Foundation community challenge grant. They workshopped design possibilities…

Inclusive Playground Map

…Center for the Blind, USKH, Land Design North, Ted Stevens Foundation, Challenge Alaska, and Special Olympics, State of Alaska Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. RESOURCES: The municipality of Anchorage’s…

Chanshtnu Muldoon Park

…neighborhood. The community celebrated the new opening of the new park with a skating party. The UAA Seawolves kicked off the event a hockey game with creative rules adjusted to…

Walking Routes

…native forests and an open meadow and run along the coastline. Scenic views of the Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge and great opportunities for wildlife viewing. Access the trail head at…

Whisper Faith Kovach Park

…They canvassed to help pass the 2017 municipal bond to fund the park improvements. They applied for and secured an Anchorage Park Foundation community challenge grant. They workshopped design possibilities…

Making Anchorage a Better Place
to Live, Work & Play

The Anchorage Park Foundation facilitates park improvement projects that are driven by neighborhood initiative.

We’re a non-profit, operating outside of the Municipality of Anchorage, and are responsible & accountable to our donors' intent.