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The Mellon Foundation Awards $1.7M to the Indigenous Place Names Project

…of the arts and humanities. Since 1969, the Foundation has been guided by its core belief that the humanities and arts are essential to human understanding. The Foundation believes that…

The Mosaic Project: Girdwood Town Square Park

…mosaic tile designs around the newly installed concrete benches and flower planters. In the summer of 2013, the Girdwood Art Institute created mosaic tile designs, purchase materials, and began installation…

Celebrating Inclusive Play with a New Video Series and Playground Challenge

Anchorage leads the nation in inclusive playgrounds designed to remove barriers and create equitable access to play. This winter the Anchorage Park Foundation is launching a video series to introduce…

Whale’s Tail Skatepark at Taku Lake Park Opens Sunday, September 29 at 2 pm

…bike, or rollerblades. It has something for all ages and abilities in the Taku/Campbell neighborhood of Anchorage. The park was designed by Grindline Skateparks, Seattle-based specialists in the planning, design,…

Community Resources

…hand lenses, nets, key to macro-invertebrates, water quality testing, and more. Designed for 4th grade curriculum, it can be checked out by any teacher. Get your students out exploring their…

Sand Lake Park Makeover Project by Sand Lake Elementary

…(National Park Service) and Stephanie Cloud (Corvus Design), who spent many hours helping the students through the design process to create an outdoor classroom space at Sand Lake Park. The…

Art in the Parks Event Lighting

APF 2008 CHALLENGE GRANT Sponsor: the Alaska Design Forum Award: $15,000 Challenge: to raise $350,000 in cash, labor and in-kind contributions   A participant of Art in the Parks. Using…

The Light Brigade!

As part of our commitment to foster vitality and community engagement in the parks of Anchorage, APF is partnering with a multidisciplinary group of independent artists, designers, and creators that…

Anchorage Veteran’s Memorial Renovation

…a major renovation, including access for the disabled, concrete rehabilitation, vandal-proofing, plant and landscaping work, a lighting system, expanded water service, public event accessories, and other enhanced design features. The…

Westchester Lagoon Landscaping and Art Installation

…and a local artist to redesign the confluence of the Coastal Trail and the Chester Creek Trail. ALPAR used primarily recycled materials in the design of the plaza and installation…

Making Anchorage a Better Place
to Live, Work & Play

The Anchorage Park Foundation facilitates park improvement projects that are driven by neighborhood initiative.

We’re a non-profit, operating outside of the Municipality of Anchorage, and are responsible & accountable to our donors' intent.