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Inclusive Play in Anchorage

…playground offers. Construction continues at Chanshtnu Muldoon Park (previously referred to as Muldoon Town Square Park). The playground design is inspired by the Alaska Greenhouses that once resided on the…

Hostetler Park Rejuvenation

…of volunteer hours and pro-bono consulting, the beautiful new park emerged. Anchorage Rotary Club engaged over 20 volunteer contractors to help redesign and transform Hostetler Park and the Victims for…

Oscar Anderson House Heritage Garden and ADA Walkway

…The design included seating and garden beds, which were filled with plants reminiscent of the 1915 homestead as a “heritage garden.” Volunteers from the Master Gardeners planted rhubarb, strawberries, day…

Teacher Resources for Outdoor Learning

…Anchorage area and their public green spaces. They are designed as a tool for the school, the community and the city, to promote increased access to trails and parks, encourage…

Outdoor Learning Labs

…STEM, Wolverine Park Improvements Nunaka Valley Elementary School, Learning Labs in Russian Jack Springs Park Pacific Northern Academy, Northwest Corner of Ruth Arcand Park Nature Trail Sand Lake Elementary, Sand…

(Home)Schools on Trails

…parents, teachers, and parent-teachers. These online workshops are self-paced courses composed of several 20-30 minute learning experiences, called “coursels.” Each coursel has been designed using best practices in online learning…

“Bike the Moose” this Weekend

…encouraging Anchorage families to get outside for a local family adventure. APF launched “The Moose Loop Initiative” a campaign designed to improve public health and increase active transportation advocacy, inspired…

YEP, Is Happening

…natural resource management job skills by building trails and restoring stream banks while increasing civic engagement, environmental awareness, and leadership skills. YEP is designed to positively engage a new generation…

Schools on Trails

Schools on Trails is designed to get students outside by empowering Anchorage teachers with tools and training to enhance education through outdoor experiences. Connection to nearby parks, trails, and green…

Chanshtnu Muldoon Park

…neighborhood. The community celebrated the new opening of the new park with a skating party. The UAA Seawolves kicked off the event a hockey game with creative rules adjusted to…

Making Anchorage a Better Place
to Live, Work & Play

The Anchorage Park Foundation facilitates park improvement projects that are driven by neighborhood initiative.

We’re a non-profit, operating outside of the Municipality of Anchorage, and are responsible & accountable to our donors' intent.